* See also for more detailed introductory material: Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Economics
Economics is a vast field, (see e.g. Wikipedia: Economics) that has been based on premises that are no longer compatible with the very survival of the planet. The P2P Foundation therefore aims for a re-foundation of economics on different axioms, which we call Commons Economics;
See also below our list of related subdomains that are of particular interest to us and which represent alternatives to mainstream economics.
This category therefore, is for our general material on economics.
Key Quote
Tim Jackson: (2016)
"I have come to believe that building an economy that works is a precise, definable, pragmatic and meaningful task. Enterprise as service, work as participation, investment as a commitment to the future and money as a social good: these four principles provide the foundations for a profound and much-needed transformation of society." [1]
Key Concepts of This Category
Wikipedia suggests that Economics is "the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services." It is centered around the basic concept of scarcity, and the market opportunities that such scarcity creates, and hardly takes into account what it considers as 'externalities', i.e. our planet and the other living beings on which we depend.
The P2P Foundation proposes an alternative economics that is centered around the institution of the Commons, systematically looks for natural and renewable Abundance, and seeks to develop win-win protocols supported by a generative market function and enabling institutions for the common good (the Partner State). We call this process of tranformation, the Commons Transition. Articles in this wiki therefore tend to view established economic theory through the critical perspective of Commons and P2P. We see economic practices not as static but as evolving over time, see Kojin Karatani's work on the Evolution of the Modes of Exchange . In particular, we seen an evolution from the mere view of active consumer, i.e. the Prosumer, to the active Produser, who both produces and uses. I.e. what we call 'commoners' or 'peer producers'.
Useful learning resources
- Commons as a Challenge for Classical Economics (International Commons Conference, 2010)
- Radical Implications of a Zero Growth Economy (Ted Trainer, 2011)
- Scope not Scale (Michel Bauwens, 2012)
Deeper Study
- Counter-Economics
- The Political Economy of Peer Production (2005)
- Five Framing Conditions for a Commons-Oriented Economy (2012)
- Cooperative Transitions to a Steady-State Economy (2012)
P2P Foundation Material
- Report: Value in the Commons Economy: Developments in Open and Contributory Value Accounting. By Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros. Heinrich Boll Foundation, 2016. [2]
- The Thermodynamic Efficiencies of Peer Production: research project of the P2P Foundation, in collaboration and under the leadership of the Blaqswan's Collective and others. See the report: PEER TO PEER AND THE COMMONS: A MATTER, ENERGY AND THERMODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE. By Xavier Rizos and Celine Piques. [3]
- P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival: Towards a P2P Infrastructure for a Socially Just Circular Society. By Michel Bauwens and Alex Pazaitis. Foreword by Kate Raworth. P2P Foundation, June 2019. [4]
Related Categories
(See also below for our sub-categories)
- Our Category: Business is more oriented towards micro-economics.
- Our Category: Sharing gives another perspective from outside mainstream economics.
- Category: ECC2013 Participants included many economists.
- Economics is related to other categories via the Category: Commons Economics
- The Category: Regenerative Approaches is wider, but includes regenerative economics.
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Pages in category "Economics"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,318 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aba (Asociación Banca Alternativa)/es
- Abstract vs. Concrete Labour
- Abundance
- Abundance - Typology
- Abundance Logic
- Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic
- Abundance vs. Scarcity
- Access Economy
- Access Platforms
- Accumulation by Contamination
- Accumulation by Dispossession
- Adam Arvidsson on the Crisis of Value and the Ethical Economy
- Adrian Wrigley on Land-Based Money
- Adventure Economy
- Affective Capitalism
- Affinity Markets
- Age of Deleveraging
- Age of Perfect Capitalism
- Agenda for a New Economy
- Aggregate Abundance
- Aggregate Energy Efficiency
- Agro Biogenics
- Alexander Douglas on the Philosophy Of Debt
- Algorithmic Central Bank
- Algorithmic Economy
- Allen Butcher
- Allocative and Creative Advantage
- Altergrowth
- Alternative Currencies and Monetary Systems Comparison Chart
- Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies
- Alternative Economy
- Alternative Measures of Human Well-Being
- Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance
- Alternatives to Capitalism Symposium of the Good Society Journal
- Altruistic Economics
- Amy Vickers on the New Business of Collectivism
- Anagorism
- Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America
- Anarchist Economics
- Anchor Institutions
- Andrew MacAfee on the Effect of Technological Innovations on the Availability of Jobs
- Andrew Simms on No-Growth as New Economic Paradigm
- Andy Goldring on Time in Permaculture Economies
- Angel Economics
- Angela Espinosa
- Anitra Nelson
- Ann Pettfor on Financing the Green Transition
- Ann Pettifor
- Anne Snick
- Anne-Sophie Novel
- Anonymous Market
- Another Production is Possible
- Anthropology of Economy
- Anti-Markets
- Anti-Rivalness of Free Software
- Anti-Rivalry
- Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences
- Anticommons Property
- Appeal for Non-Hierarchic, Self-Determined, Social and Economic Alternatives
- Applied Sustainability
- Applying Economics to the Study of Game Worlds
- Appropriate Economics
- Approval Economy
- Art Gift Economy
- Artificial Markets
- Artificial Property Rights
- Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives
- Asset Sharing
- Asset-Based Community Development
- Association for Sustainability and Democracy
- Associative Economics
- Asymmetric Accounting
- Asymmetric Competition
- Talk:Asymmetric Competition
- Asymmetric Gift Accounting
- At Cost
- At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm
- Attention Economy
- Attention Economy Primer
- Attention-Centered Economy
- Attraction Economy
- Audio Podcasts on Commons Economics
- Aurea Social/es
- Auroville Economy Book
- Austrian Economics
- Automation and Employment
- Axel Bruns on Produsage
- Axiological Economics
- Balász Bodó
- Bank Debt
- Bank of North Dakota Model
- Bankful Society
- Beautiful Economics
- Becoming-Rent of Profit
- Ben Quinones
- Benefit-Driven Production
- Bernard Lietaer on Reinventing the Financial System
- Bernard Lietaer on Transforming the Financial System
- Beyond Jobs
- Beyond the Profits System
- Beyond the Technological Revolution
- Bill Mitchell on Modern Monetary Theory
- Binary Economics
- Biocapitalism
- Bioecon
- Bioeconomy
- Biophysical Economic Theory
- Biophysical Economics
- Bioregional Economy
- Bioregionalism
- Biosphere Politics
- Birth of Impersonal Exchange
- Bitcoin - Discussion
- Blockchain and Economic Development
- Blockchain as Blueprint for a New Economy
- Blue Economy
- Bob Massie on the New Economy Movement
- Bob Thomson
- Brain Physiology of Egoistic and Empathic Motivation
- Brazilian System for the Solidarity Culture
- Brett Scott on Open Source Finance
- Bubble and Beyond
- Buddhism and Peer to Peer
- Buddhist Approach to Economic Transformation
- Buen Vivir
- Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources
- Building a Whole Earth Economy Through Right Relationship
- Building an Integral Economic Science
- Building Fair and Sustainable Economies
- Building Social Business
- Business Alliance for Local Living Economies
- Business Ecosystem
- Can Peer Production Make Washing Machines?
- Can Reducing Income Inequality Decouple Economic Growth from CO 2 Emissions
- Can Renewable Energy Sustain Consumer Societies
- Cap and Trade
- Capital
- Capital as Power
- Capital Homestead
- Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- Capital Institute
- Capitalism
- Capitalism as an Anti-Market
- Capitalist Markets
- Capitalists' Dilemma
- Carbon Bubble
- Carbon Bubbles
- Care Economy
- Care-Centered Economy
- Carlota Perez
- Carlota Perez on the Theory of Great Surges
- Catchment Wealth
- Center for Economic and Social Justice
- Central Planning
- Centro de Doc e Info Bolivia/es
- Chandran Nair on Turning Asia Away from Consumptionism
- Change Crowdfunding Law
- Changing the System of Production
- Charles Eisenstein
- Charles Eistenstein on Sacred Economics
- Chartalism
- Chicago Plan for Money Creation
- Chilacayote collective/es
- Chrematistics
- Chris Anderson on Free as the Future of a Radical Price
- Christian Arnsperger
- Christian Felber
- Christian Felber on the Common Welfare Economy
- Christian Perspective on Global Economy
- Circular Economy
- Circulation of the Common
- Circulation of the Commons
- Citizen Banking
- Citizen Central Banking
- Citizen's Economy
- Civic Conversations vs. Commercial Conversations
- Civic Economics
- Civic Economics Localization Study
- Civil Economy
- Civil Happiness
- Civilizing the Economy
- Civisism
- Classical Econophysics
- Clean Slate Edicts
- Clearing Union
- Co-Belongingness of Money and Community
- Co-Creative Labor, Productive Democracy and the Partner State
- Co-Creativity of Labor
- Co-Intelligent Economics
- Coasean Floor and Ceiling
- Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets
- Comingled Code
- Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities
- Common Wealth for Common People Online Platform
- Common Welfare Economy
- Commonism
- Commons as a Challenge for Classical Economics
- Commons Culture Communications - 2013
- Commons Economics
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