Wednesday, 3 April 2013

World Currency Symbols

This page is a list of symbols used in everyday life to denote that a number is a monetary value, such as the dollar sign "$", the Pound sign "£", and the Euro sign "€".
IMPORTANT - We also maintain a full list of three-letter codes used internationally to distinguish one currency from another, such as "USD" for the United States Dollar, "GBP" for the United Kingdom Pound, and "EUR" for the Euro. To see a complete list of all of these codes, refer to our - ISO 4217 Type Currency Code List.
This page is under constant development and was last updated July 6, 2011. We rely on input from people like you to keep it as complete and accurate as possible.

Country and CurrencyCurrency CodeGraphic Image Font: Code2000Font: Arial Unicode MSUnicode: DecimalUnicode: Hex 
Albania LekALLLekLek76, 101, 1074c, 65, 6b 
Afghanistan AfghaniAFN؋؋154760b 
Argentina PesoARS$$3624info
Aruba GuilderAWGƒƒ402192 
Australia DollarAUD$$3624 
Azerbaijan New ManatAZNманман1084, 1072, 108543c, 430, 43d 
Bahamas DollarBSD$$3624 
Barbados DollarBBD$$3624 
Belarus RubleBYRp.p.112, 4670, 2e 
Belize DollarBZDBZ$BZ$66, 90, 3642, 5a, 24 
Bermuda DollarBMD$$3624 
Bolivia BolivianoBOB$b$b36, 9824, 62 
Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible MarkaBAMKMKM75, 774b, 4d 
Botswana PulaBWPPP8050 
Bulgaria LevBGNлвлв1083, 107443b, 432 
Brazil RealBRLR$R$82, 3652, 24info
Brunei Darussalam DollarBND$$3624 
Cambodia RielKHR610717db 
Canada DollarCAD$$3624 
Cayman Islands DollarKYD$$3624 
Chile PesoCLP$$3624info
China Yuan RenminbiCNY¥¥165a5info
Colombia PesoCOP$$3624 
Costa Rica ColonCRC835320a1 
Croatia KunaHRKknkn107, 1106b, 6e 
Cuba PesoCUP836920b1 
Czech Republic KorunaCZK75, 2694b, 10d 
Denmark KroneDKKkrkr107, 1146b, 72info
Dominican Republic PesoDOPRD$RD$82, 68, 3652, 44, 24 
East Caribbean DollarXCD$$3624 
Egypt PoundEGP££163a3 
El Salvador ColonSVC$$3624 
Estonia KroonEEKkrkr107, 1146b, 72 
Euro Member CountriesEUR836420ac 
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) PoundFKP££163a3 
Fiji DollarFJD$$3624 
Ghana CedisGHC¢¢162a2 
Gibraltar PoundGIP££163a3 
Guatemala QuetzalGTQQQ8151 
Guernsey PoundGGP££163a3 
Guyana DollarGYD$$3624 
Honduras LempiraHNLLL764c 
Hong Kong DollarHKD$$3624info
Hungary ForintHUFFtFt70, 11646, 74 
Iceland KronaISKkrkr107, 1146b, 72 
India RupeeINRinfo
Indonesia RupiahIDRRpRp82, 11252, 70 
Iran RialIRR65020fdfc 
Isle of Man PoundIMP££163a3 
Israel ShekelILS836220aa 
Jamaica DollarJMDJ$J$74, 364a, 24 
Japan YenJPY¥¥165a5info
Jersey PoundJEP££163a3 
Kazakhstan TengeKZTлвлв1083, 107443b, 432 
Korea (North) WonKPW836120a9 
Korea (South) WonKRW836120a9 
Kyrgyzstan SomKGSлвлв1083, 107443b, 432 
Laos KipLAK836520ad 
Latvia LatLVLLsLs76, 1154c, 73 
Lebanon PoundLBP££163a3 
Liberia DollarLRD$$3624 
Lithuania LitasLTLLtLt76, 1164c, 74 
Macedonia DenarMKDденден1076, 1077, 1085434, 435, 43d 
Malaysia RinggitMYRRMRM82, 7752, 4d 
Mauritius RupeeMUR836020a8 
Mexico PesoMXN$$3624info
Mongolia TughrikMNT836620ae 
Mozambique MeticalMZNMTMT77, 844d, 54 
Namibia DollarNAD$$3624 
Nepal RupeeNPR836020a8 
Netherlands Antilles GuilderANGƒƒ402192 
New Zealand DollarNZD$$3624 
Nicaragua CordobaNIOC$C$67, 3643, 24 
Nigeria NairaNGN835820a6 
Korea (North) WonKPW836120a9 
Norway KroneNOKkrkr107, 1146b, 72 
Oman RialOMR65020fdfc 
Pakistan RupeePKR836020a8 
Panama BalboaPABB/.B/.66, 47, 4642, 2f, 2e 
Paraguay GuaraniPYGGsGs71, 11547, 73 
Peru Nuevo SolPENS/.S/.83, 47, 4653, 2f, 2einfo
Philippines PesoPHP836920b1 
Poland ZlotyPLN122, 3227a, 142 
Qatar RiyalQAR65020fdfc 
Romania New LeuRONleilei108, 101, 1056c, 65, 69 
Russia RubleRUBрубруб1088, 1091, 1073440, 443, 431info
Saint Helena PoundSHP££163a3 
Saudi Arabia RiyalSAR65020fdfc 
Serbia DinarRSDДин.Дин.1044, 1080, 1085, 46414, 438, 43d, 2e 
Seychelles RupeeSCR836020a8 
Singapore DollarSGD$$3624 
Solomon Islands DollarSBD$$3624 
Somalia ShillingSOSSS8353 
South Africa RandZARRR8252 
Korea (South) WonKRW836120a9 
Sri Lanka RupeeLKR836020a8 
Sweden KronaSEKkrkr107, 1146b, 72info
Switzerland FrancCHFCHFCHF67, 72, 7043, 48, 46 
Suriname DollarSRD$$3624 
Syria PoundSYP££163a3 
Taiwan New DollarTWDNT$NT$78, 84, 364e, 54, 24info
Thailand BahtTHB฿฿3647e3f 
Trinidad and Tobago DollarTTDTT$TT$84, 84, 3654, 54, 24 
Turkey LiraTRYinfo
Turkey LiraTRL835620a4 
Tuvalu DollarTVD$$3624 
Ukraine HryvnaUAH837220b4 
United Kingdom PoundGBP££163a3 
United States DollarUSD$$3624 
Uruguay PesoUYU$U$U36, 8524, 55 
Uzbekistan SomUZSлвлв1083, 107443b, 432 
Venezuela BolivarVEFBsBs66, 11542, 73 
Viet Nam DongVND836320ab 
Yemen RialYER65020fdfc 
Zimbabwe DollarZWDZ$Z$90, 365a, 24 
Each currency symbol is presented first as a graphic, then in two "Unicode-friendly" fonts: Code2000 and Arial Unicode MS. The graphic symbol in the first column will always be visible, but the symbols in the other columns may or may not be available, depending on which fonts are installed on your computer.
Note that of the two fonts used above, only Code2000 is complete. The other fonts have missing elements, which will appear as hollow boxes. No currency symbol is a hollow box; a hollow box always means that a font does not contain a symbol for that currency.
  • Code2000 is a highly recommended shareware font that contains all the currency symbols listed above. You can download it download it here.
  • Arial Unicode MS is a common font included with certain Microsoft products.
If you have both fonts installed, you may notice that the symbols vary slightly in design from one font to another. This is normal, as there are often multiple accepted ways of rendering a currency symbol. For example, in the United States, the dollar sign is sometimes rendered with two vertical lines, and sometimes with one, both of which are acceptable. (However, in most other parts of the world, a dollar sign with two vertical lines is never used.)
To install the Code2000 font, use the link above to download it and save it somewhere on your computer. Then, unzip the downloaded file and read the enclosed LICENSE.TXT file for the details on the shareware terms of use.
To find out how to work with currency symbols in your documents, scroll down to the How To Work With Currency Symbols section.
To view and work with currency symbols on your computer, you first need to have fonts installed that are capable of displaying them. The only font we know of that contains all symbols is the Code2000 shareware font by James Kass. We therefore recommend that you download and install the Code2000 font. (See the fonts section above on how to do this.)
Once the Code2000 font is installed, you can begin using the symbols in your documents.
Using Currency Symbols in Microsoft Word XP / 2003
  • Ensure that you have Code2000 downloaded and installed. (See above for details)
  • Start a new document Microsoft Word, or open an existing Word document into which you wish to place the currency symbol.
  • Open the font selector by clicking Format > Font. (See screen shot)
  • Select the Code2000 font, and then click OK. (See screen shot)
  • Open the symbol selector by clicking Insert > Symbol. (See screen shot)
  • A new window will open up called Symbol. (See screen shot)
  • Look up the Unicode: Hex code from the above table, enter it in the Character Code field, and click Insert. (See screen shot)
  • The symbol will now be in your Word document. (See screen shot)
Tips and Tricks
  • Once you have a currency symbol inserted in your document in the Code2000 font, you can check to see if the symbol is available in other fonts. Just highlight the currency symbol and then change the font. If the symbol is not supported, it will disappear or be replaced by a hollow box. If this happens, just try another font, or go back to Code2000.
  • If you want to send a document with a special currency symbol to someone else, then they will need to have the font for that symbol on their computer as well. Otherwise, they will not see the symbol. The simplest solution is often to use the Code2000 font in your document, and then have the recipient install the Code2000 font (using the instruction in the fonts section above).

The following emanates from Wikipedia.

A currency sign is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand for a currency's name, especially in reference to amounts of money. They typically employ the first letter or character of the currency, sometimes with minor changes such as ligatures or overlaid vertical or horizontal bars. Today, ISO 4217 codes are used instead of currency signs for most official purposes,[citation needed] though currency signs may be in common use in many other contexts. Few currencies in the world have no shorthand symbol at all.
Although many former currency signs were rendered obsolete by the adoption of the euro, having a new and unique currency sign — implementation of which requires the adoption of new unicode and type formats — has now become a status symbol for international currencies. The European Commission considers part of the success of the euro was the global recognition of the euro sign €. In 2009, India launched a public competition to replace the ₨ ligature it shared with neighboring countries.[1] It finalized its new currency symbol, (INR) on 15 July 2010. It is a blend of the Latin letter 'R' with the Devanagari letter "".

via Radical


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